August 8, 2023
Eurotech Construction and Hi Tech, a Global IFS Company, announced today a new partnership serving the Greater New York City construction market providing a full suite of integrated building materials and their coordinated installation, covering needs from floor to ceiling. Eurotech and Hi Tech bring a combined 75 years of experience installing outstanding products in New York’s highest profile Class-A buildings and tenant suites.
December 6, 2022
We are excited to announce that Camino Modular Systems, Inc. ( ) has been recognized as a COMPASS Select Top Vendor 2022.
We are proud to recognize the top subcontractors in COMPASS. COMPASS, by Bespoke Metrics, provides an unbiased 3rd party assessment of subcontractors based on transparency and performance across Finance, Business and H&S metrics. Our goal is to reduce supply chain risk through Quality-Based Subcontractor Selection.
February 10, 2022
It is with great excitement that we announce a new partnership between Global IFS and
WoodWorks as market development partners in 2022. The partnership focuses on increasing the market share of mass timber buildings in the USA, by pairing the proven benefits of the Global IFS solution made up of raised access floors (RAF), Underfloor Air Distribution (UFAD), modular power distribution (MPD), and high‐end finishes in mass timber construction. By combining the benefits of RAF and the improved indoor air quality (IAQ) of UFAD, Global IFS helps make mass timber buildings even better.
August 10, 2021
The new Missoula Public Library just opened. This project has full Underfloor Air Distribution with Modular Power. It also includes TecCrete, bare and sealed. Modular Power was provided by Camino Modular Systems; diffusers and perimeter were provided by AFX; and Air Towers (with some ducts) were provided by Thermal (division of Nailor).
September 24, 2020
It is with great excitement that we announce a new partnership between Global IFS and AtmosAir Solutions focused on pairing the proven benefits of Underfloor Air Distribution with the significant enhancement of bi-polar ionization technology. This combination of the ventilation effectiveness rates of UFAD and the air purification properties of bi-polar ionization provides a best-in-class solution for any building environment.
September 22, 2020
Global IFS is pleased to have provided the underfloor air system and the raised access floor for this highly sustainable building! The latest studies show buildings with underfloor air systems reduce contaminants in the air and create healthier spaces for employees to work.
July 23, 2020
Global IFS is very pleased to announce that it has acquired Magna-Lock Finishes, the leading magnetic backed finish flooring company. Global IFS will fully integrate Magna-lock Finishes into their portfolio of products to help both companies accelerate their growth within the Raised Access Flooring market.